N.B. The versions of pangolin and nextclade are indicated in the footer of this report. Because of the fast moving nature of the pandemic these versions may not be the most recent, but we check daily for new versions. More details are provided here.

Read Quality control

This section displays basic QC metrics indicating read data quality.

Artic Analysis status

The panel below lists samples which failed to produce results from the primary ARTIC analysis. Samples not listed here were analysed successfully, but may still contain inconclusive or invalid results. See the following sections for further indications of failed or inconclusive results.

All samples analysed successfully

Genome coverage

Plots below indicate depth of coverage from data used within the Artic analysis coloured by amplicon pool. Variant filtering during the ARTIC analysis mandates a minimum coverage of at least 20X at variant/genotyping loci for a call to be made.

NB: To better display all possible data, the depth axes of the plots below are not tied between plots for different samples. Care should be taken in comparing depth across samples.

Variant call summaries

The following tables and figures are derived from the output of bcftools stats.

Variant counts:

sample MNPs SNPs indels multiallelic SNP sites multiallelic sites no-ALTs others records
SAMN23469685.pass.named.stats 2 47 5 0 0 0 0 54
SAMN23469691.pass.named.stats 2 33 3 0 0 0 0 38
negative.pass.named.stats 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Transitions and tranversions:

sample ts tv ts/tv ts (1st ALT) tv (1st ALT) ts/tv (1st ALT)
SAMN23469685.pass.named.stats 30 17 1.76 30 17 1.76
SAMN23469691.pass.named.stats 24 9 2.67 24 9 2.67
negative.pass.named.stats 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00

Substitution types

Base substitutions aggregated across all samples (symmetrised by pairing)

Indel lengths

Insertion and deletion lengths aggregated across all samples.

NextClade analysis

The following view is produced by the nextclade software.

The table shows errors, warnings or failed genes per sample:

Sample Name errors warnings failed genes
SAMN23469685 MN908947.3 None None None
SAMN23469691 MN908947.3 None None None
negative MN908947.3 None None None

Note: For targeted sequencing, such as SpikeSeq, Nextclade may report 'Missing data' QC fails. This is expected and not a concern provided the regions of interest are not reported as missing.


The table below reports the lineage of each sample as calculated by pangolin.

taxon lineage conflict ambiguity_score scorpio_call scorpio_support scorpio_conflict scorpio_notes version pangolin_version scorpio_version constellation_version is_designated qc_status qc_notes note
SAMN23469685 MN908947.3 BA.1.19 0.0 NaN Omicron (BA.1-like) 0.83 0.0 scorpio call: Alt alleles 48; Ref alleles 0; Amb alleles 7; Oth alleles 3 PUSHER-v1.21 4.3 0.3.17 v0.1.12 False pass Ambiguous_content:0.16 Usher placements: BA.1.19(1/1)
SAMN23469691 MN908947.3 BA.1 0.0 NaN Probable Omicron (Unassigned) 0.66 0.0 scorpio call: Alt alleles 21; Ref alleles 0; Amb alleles 11; Oth alleles 0 PUSHER-v1.21 4.3 0.3.17 v0.1.12 False pass Ambiguous_content:0.28 Usher placements: BA.1(4/4); scorpio found insufficient support to assign a specific lineage
negative MN908947.3 Unassigned NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN PUSHER-v1.21 4.3 0.3.17 v0.1.12 False fail Ambiguous_content:0.9 NaN

Software versions

The table below highlights versions of key software used within the analysis.

Name Version
medaka 1.7.2
minimap2 2.18-r1015
bcftools 1.16
samtools 1.16.1
artic 1.3.0
pangolin 4.3
pangolin-data 1.21
constellations v0.1.12
scorpio 0.3.17
nextclade_data_tag 2023-06-16T12:00:00Z

Workflow parameters

The table below highlights values of the main parameters used in this analysis.

Key Value
help False
version False
out_dir output
artic_threads 4
pangolin_threads 4
analyse_unclassified False
fastq ont_wf_artic
sample None
sample_sheet ont_samplesheet_wf-artic.csv
normalise 200
report_depth 100
basecaller_cfg dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac
medaka_variant_model None
scheme_name SARS-CoV-2
scheme_version ARTIC/V3
list_schemes False
custom_scheme None
genotype_variants None
report_clade True
report_lineage True
report_coverage True
report_variant_summary True
pangolin_version 4.2
nextclade_version 2.11.0
nextclade_data_tag None
update_data False
aws_image_prefix None
aws_queue None
disable_ping False
lab_id None
testkit None
process_label artic
monochrome_logs False
validate_params True
show_hidden_params False
schema_ignore_params show_hidden_params,validate_params,monochrome_logs,aws_queue,aws_image_prefix,pangolin_version,nextclade_version,wf,process_label
wf {'example_cmd': ['--fastq wf-artic-demo/fastq', '--sample_sheet wf-artic-demo/sample_sheet.csv', '--scheme_name SARS-CoV-2', '--scheme_version Midnight-ONT/V3'], 'container_sha': 'shaa5485f2d1c9085c23b266273556a4ce01e5e0dd9', 'nextclade_sha': 'shaede3ca9a1b17c2a1d0696ef7ff8503ec167d5df9', 'pangolin_sha': 'sha1266e6040bf6e9f02e569f0eba5011a17d47f7aa'}
_min_len 400
_max_len 700
_scheme_version ARTIC/V3
_scheme_name SARS-CoV-2
_max_softclip_length 0


This report was produced using the epi2me-labs/wf-artic. The workflow can be run using nextflow epi2me-labs/wf-artic --help

Version details Revision: master Git Commit: 98641c5bd7e14004608647086a3ebe0b73cd8822

Oxford Nanopore Technologies products are not intended for use for health assessment or to diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure or prevent any disease or condition.